Here's a little Christmas cheer from the Hipp house.
So far we haven't really had enough room for a real Christmas tree (or maybe we just didn't want to clean up after one...), so we have borrowed these little trees from my mom for the past 3 years. They work great, we just pulled them out of the attic at my parents house, right where we left them last year... one with the lights still strung.
I think every house needs a nativity... we love this one we got from Nate's parents! Angie, this picture is for you, complete with lamp. (my $3 find at a garage sale this summer)
This picture might just look like a plain white house, with a plain white door (both need to be painted), with just a simple Christmas wreath... Well, I'll tell you why it's more than that. For some reason Nate has kind of a weird dislike for wreaths, but looky here --he surprised me when I was at my night class last week! I don't know why, but I have a secret obsession for wreaths... Thanks Love!
Feliz Navidad!! ...seemed appropriate since it's playing on pandora right now. :)