One of the many things that I appreciate about Nate is his ability to start and finish a project in one day... something I am not always too good at. He has been talking about building a small greenhouse in the backyard for over a year (a desire that most likely came from the landlords of our first apartment, Davey and Summer, they are such awesome gardeners!). He threw this together a couple of Saturdays ago and has already got some plants sprouting. From what I can remember... we're growing broccoli, lettuce, spinach, a variety of peppers, dill and some flowers (they aren't all planted in the box garden, some are in the small cartons just to get started)... he is so proud of his little sprouts!!

This was right after he built it, so no plants yet.

Spring Break was a lot of fun, we had plans to road trip out to California with Nate's parents, but it didn't end up working out. So, we decided instead to take a trip to the Tanner Family cabin, in Oakley, UT. It was so fun! Here's one picture, but we need to get the rest from their camera, so we'll do another post soon!

We're so ready for spring weather... go away snow!!